Rob McGinnes

Dear Colleagues and Friends.

A New Year beckons, so it is a great time to share our vision for your Society and upcoming activities for 2022.

The past two years have been tumultuous and difficult, causing a decrease in face-to-face events, but we were delighted at the enthusiasm and high attendance for the Awards, lectures and Barbecue and we really appreciate your support. We know there is a desire for friends and colleagues to meet, share stories and enjoy each other’s company and we intend to fulfil that desire wherever possible, be it digitally or physically.

We will be focusing on creating more and better activities that our members can enjoy. In fact, our theme for 2022 is all about growth.

Growth in membership, growth in engagement with our members, growth in the range and variety of activities that we offer, growth in celebration of our members’ achievements as individuals and practices. Growth in knowledge to meet the challenges that face our profession in times to come. Growth in inspiring lectures by leaders in their fields and emerging stars, coupled with hands-on experience for our members joining the profession.

And last but not least, growth in fun and enjoyment.

Our mission is:

‘To champion and nurture the present and future architects of Manchester’


To help us achieve this goal, we need:

Enthusiastic and engaged members of our council – if you have a passion to get involved and help our members, join us.

Members who are willing to share with people who don’t know our work. Help spread the word. 

Ideas to improve our work and activity, tell us the kind of things you’d like to see.

Help us by supporting our sponsors – host a practice CPD or check out the useful content on our Knowledge Hub.

Please get in touch with us and help us to help you!



Happy New Year! And watch this space for further exciting news!


Rob McGinnes,
MSA President & Founder of  Hive Architects